Safter an armed insurgence in Bukavu, the three men arrested on charges of ordering the murder of Pascal Kabungulu Kibembi, 55 years old, human rights activist from Héritiers de la Justice', killed last July 31 in Bukavu. MISNA sources in the capital of South Kivu say that the local TV news said there was a raid in the prison where the men were being kept. The accused were all army members. The perpetrators, all military, forced the director of the prison to open the cells of the three accused and then escaped. It is unclear whether or not the perpetrators had inside help or not. Yesterday. Local media said that an officer and two soldiers were arrested for the murder of Kibembi, who had founded the Human rights group in 1991 from protestant Churches and, who had been in recent months, a member of the Human Rights League of the Great Lakes.