Alarm-bells ring at upsurge in fighting | |
IWPR - September 8, 2008 | |
![]() | Eastern Congo's fragile peace process is again in crisis as fighting between rebels and the army pushes the region closer to all-out war. Observers say armed groups on all sides are digging in after clashes between the Congolese army and fighters loyal to Laurent Nkunda, the head of the Congress for the Defence of the Congolese People, CNDP. |
Thomas Lubanga will remain under custody of the ICC pending final decision on appeal | |
ICC - July 7, 2008 | |
![]() | Today, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court granted the suspensive effect of the Prosecution’s appeal against “Decision on the release of Thomas Lubanga.” Therefore the accused will remain under custody of the ICC pending the final decision on the appeal. |
ICC: Trial Chamber I orders release of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo - Implementation of the decision is pending | |
ICC - July 2, 2008 | |
![]() | Since an appeal may be filed within five days, the order granting release shall not be enforced until the expiry of the five day time-limit. Furthermore, if an appeal is filed and a request is made in the appeal for suspensive effect, the accused shall not leave detention until the Appeals Chamber has resolved whether or not the effect of the order granting release is to be suspended. |
ICC Arrest Jean-Pierre Bemba | |
ICC - May 24, 2008 | |
![]() | Jean-Pierre Bemba, charged by the ICC for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Central African Republic, was today arrested in the suburbs of Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Bemba is chairman of the Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC), an armed group which intervened in the 2002-2003 armed conflict in Central African Republic (CAR) and pursued a plan of terrorizing and brutalizing innocent civilians, in particular during a campaign of massive rapes and looting. Mr Bemba had already used the same tactics in the past, in CAR, in the DRC, always leaving a trail of death and destruction behind him. |
International Criminal Court issues warrant for "The Terminator" | |
Congo News Agency - April 30, 2008 | |
![]() | Bosco Ntaganda, known as “The Terminator”, is accused of forceful enrollment of children under the age of 15 for military service in the Ituri region. The warrant alleges that these children received military training from the Forces patriotiques pour la libération du Congo (FPLC) in training camps in Bule, Cantrale, Mandro, Rwampara, Irumu, Bogoro and Sota. |