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News | SADC

President Jacob Zuma to Co-Chair the 6th SA-DRC Bi-National Summit in Pretoria - October 30, 2009

Joseph Kabila and Jacob ZumaSouth African President Jacob Zuma will, on 30 October 2009, co-chair the SA-DRC Bi- National Summit with his Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) counterpart, President Joseph Kabila at the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria. President Jacob Zuma will be supported by International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and 11 other Government Ministers and Senior Officials.
DR Congo to host CEEAC summit on peace, integration, environment

Xinhua - October 23, 2009

CEEAC meeting in KinshasaLeaders of Central African countries are set to attend a summit on Saturday on peace, integration and environment in Kinshasa. The 14th ordinary session of the heads of state and government of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) will tackle issues affecting the region, including peace and security, the free movement of goods and people, integration, the development of road infrastructure, energy and the new information technology.
President Joseph Kabila to visit Zimbabwe

Xinhua - October 23, 2009

Joseph KabilaVisiting Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai announced here on Thursday that President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will visit Harare in the coming days to mediate the crisis bedeviling the Zimbabwean government.
Zimbabwe Power-Sharing Rivals Step Up Regional Lobbying Ahead of Crisis Talks

VOA News - October 22, 2009

Southern Africa Development Community - SADCZimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai pursued a regional diplomatic initiative on Thursday, briefing Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila, current chairman of the Southern African Development Community, seeking support in the runup to next week’s meeting in Harare of SADC's troika or committee on security and defense. 
Zimbabwe PM Begins Regional Tour

VOA News - October 20, 2009

Morgan TsvangiraiZimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Mozambican leader Armando Guebuza are to meet late Tuesday for talks on ways to implement the faltering political agreement in Zimbabwe, which gave birth to the coalition government in February. Officials of Mr. Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change say he is also seeking meetings with the presidents of Southern Africa Development Community countries Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana, and South Africa.
Madagascar says to withdraw from SADC

Xinhua - September 30, 2009

SADCMadagascan Prime Minister Monja Roindefo said at a meeting in Antananarivo on Tuesday that his government would take a firm decision against the SADC member countries, following their action to ban High Transitional Authority (HTA) President Andry Rajoelina from delivering a speech at the United Nations.
Madagascar President Prevented from Taking Floor at UN General Assembly

VOA News - September 25, 2009

Southern Africa Development Community - SADCIn a rare intervention in the Assembly hall, the foreign minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Alexis Mwamba, representing SADC, protested allowing Mr. Rajoelina to speak. "SADC would like to express its protest against the decision to invite Mr. Andry Rajoelina to take the floor at the general debate of our august assembly," he said.
Southern African Grouping Proposes Extraordinary Summit on Zimbabwe

VOA News - September 7, 2009

SADC leaders in Kinshasa - CongoLeaders of the Southern African Development Community assembled for a summit Monday in the Democratic Republic of Congo decided not to examine progress by Zimbabwe's national unity government and discuss issues that continue to trouble power-sharing in Harare, but will hold an extraordinary summit in a few weeks focused exclusively on Zimbabwe.
SADC Leaders Open Summit in Kinshasa

VOA News - September 7, 2009

Joseph Kabila and Jacob ZumaLeaders from 15 southern African nations have opened two days of discussions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Political confrontations in Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Lesotho and eastern Congo are high on the agenda.
President Kabila to Meet All DRC Governors

VOA News - August 18, 2009

Joseph KabilaDemocratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila is scheduled to hold discussions with governors across the country as part of a decentralization program. Kinshasa admits, however, that the decentralization program faces an enormous challenge.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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