After the polls of 29 October, EUFOR resumes its patrols in Kinshasa city | |
Monuc - November 3, 2006 | |
![]() | European Force resumed its day and night patrols in the city since the closing of the polling stations, according to its spokesperson Lt. Colonel Thierry Fusalba, at a weekly press conference held in Kinshasa on 2 November, 2006. |
Delayed presidential elections underway in Fataki | |
IRIN - November 2, 2006 | |
![]() | Close to 15,000 voters in Fataki, an area in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, began voting on Thursday in presidential elections after a four-day delay caused by riots in the area. |
Death penalty for soldier charged with killing poll officials | |
IRIN - October 31, 2006 | |
![]() | A military tribunal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's northeastern district of Ituri sentenced a soldier to death on Tuesday for killing two polling clerks.Sergeant Innocent Mamale on Sunday shot dead the two clerks from the Independent Electoral Commission in Fataki, 90 kilometres from Bunia, the largest town in Ituri. |
The Congolese people won't accept a return to violence and destruction | |
Monuc - October 27, 2006 | |
![]() | The International Committee in Support of the Transition (CIAT*) invites the Congolese to participate en masse in the presidential and provincial elections on 29 October, 2006 and states that neither the Congolese people nor the international community will accept a return to violence and destruction in the country. |
I will not fight if I lose election - Bemba | |
IRIN - October 27, 2006 | |
![]() | Congolese Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba has said he will not return to war if he loses in a free and fair second-round presidential poll due on Sunday. "I will accept the decision of the ballot," he said on Thursday in the capital, Kinshasa. |
UN Makes Peace Appeal to Congo's Candidates | |
VOA News - October 25, 2006 | |
The U.N. mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo is urging rival candidates to denounce violence and promote discipline ahead of a runoff presidential vote October 29. Campaigning has been marked by the public absence of the two candidates and recurrent clashes between rival supporters. | |
Two of Kabila's killers recaptured | |
IRIN - October 25, 2006 | |
![]() | Two of the men convicted of killing President Laurent-Desire Kabila, who escaped from jail on Tuesday, have been recaptured, a military officer, who requested anonymity, said on Wednesday. |
UN and European security forces vigilant ahead of presidential run-off | |
IRIN - October 24, 2006 | |
![]() | As presidential rivals Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba prepare for an electoral run-off in the Congo on Sunday, the two international forces in charge of security during the polls, say they are ready to quell any violence that erupts. |
'Kisangani without arms' objective a success | |
Monuc - October 21, 2006 | |
![]() | The MONUC 'Kisangani without arms' objective, which was launched on Friday October 13 2006, has been a success to date, as the amount of unauthorised men with arms circulating the city has been drastically reduced, according to Kisangani force commander Col. Edouard Mbengue. |
Tensions rising as presidential campaigns get under way | |
IRIN - October 17, 2006 | |
![]() | Three days into presidential election campaigns, tensions remain high in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as supporters of candidates Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba burn effigies and stone vehicles involved in the campaigns. |