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North Kivu: Mr. Doss welcomes the progress achieved in the follow up of the Goma conference

MONUC - February 11, 2008

Alan Doss - MONUCMr. Alan Doss, the Special representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC, accompanied by MONUC Force commander General Babacar Gaye, paid a visit to Goma on Saturday 9 February 2008, in order to make a progress report on the follow-up of the Goma conference. He welcomed the progress achieved and called on all armed groups to respect the act of engagement.
EU: A human rights delegation visiting DRC

MONUC - November 5, 2007

EU - Human RightsA delegation of specialists in human rights from the European Union met with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the DRC William Swing in MONUC headquarters in Kinshasa, on Monday 5 November 2007. The purpose of the meeting is to inquire into the evolution of human rights respect in the country and the best way for the European countries to continue their support in this field.
Hell on earth - systematic rape in Eastern Congo

The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (JHA) - August 10, 2007

Often the women are kidnapped while working in the fields or on the way to fetch water, food or firewood. Often kidnappings occur during raids of villages by armed attackers, who often come in groups of two to five.The victims are taken from the villages into the forest where they are held captive and are gang raped for days or months.

Great Lakes: Call for end to regional conflicts

IRIN - March 2, 2007

Great Lakes - SoldiersParliamentarians from Africa's Great Lakes countries have urged their governments to end conflicts in the region, noting that particular measures were needed to protect women and children, who suffer most in wars.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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