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ICC Prosecutor Seeks New Charges Against Ntaganda, FDLR Leader

International Criminal Court - May 14, 2012

Luis Moreno-OcampoThe Office of the Prosecutor has requested two new arrest warrants. The first one relates to Bosco Ntaganda for the crimes committed as a top commander of Thomas Lubanga's militia, the UPC/FPLC. The second was filed against a leader of one of the most active militia in the Kivu provinces, Sylvestre Mudacumura, the Supreme Commander of the FDLR-FOCA.
DR Congo Government Warns Bosco Ntaganda He May Face Justice

Congo News Agency - April 6, 2012

Bosco NtagandaThe Congolese government said on Thursday that “irregular troop movements” have been observed in eastern Congo since last weekend. The troop movements are believed to be a show of force by General Bosco Ntaganda, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court, amid renewed calls for his arrest after his former boss, Thomas Lubanga, was convicted by the ICC on March 14 for using child soldiers.
Rwandan FDLR rebels 'kill 26 in DR Congo'

BBC News - January 4, 2012

FDLR rebels in South KivuAt least 26 people have been killed in attacks by a Rwandan militia group in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Congolese army says. It says several remote villages in South Kivu province have been targeted since the start of January.
Campaigning in Eastern Congo, Kamerhe Vows To Restore State Authority

Radio Okapi - November 22, 2011

Vital Kamerhe campaigns in Eastern Congo, BukavuPresidential candidate Vital Kamerhe held a meeting at Independence Square in Bukavu, South Kivu Province, on Monday. The president of the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) told his many supporters in his hometown that if elected his priority will be “restoring state authority.”
Rwanda gives DR Congo back tonnes of smuggled minerals

BBC News - November 3, 2011

Big business... But little of the hundreds of millions of dollars generated annually by DRC's mineral sector ends up in stateAbout 82 tonnes of smuggled minerals seized by Rwandan police has been handed back to the Democratic Republic of Congo in a sign of improved relations between the two neighbours. The minerals include cassiterite, or tin ore, as well as coltan, used in devices such as mobile phones.
Kabila Confident He Will Win Re-Election

Congo News Agency - October 18, 2011

Joseph KabilaWith only 6 weeks left before presidential and parliamentary elections, President Kabila, at a wide-ranging news conference on Tuesday, said that he is confident he will win re-election in November. “I know one thing for sure, I will not lose,” Mr. Kabila replied when asked if he thinks there is a candidate who could beat him.
Rwandan Rebel Leader Faces ICC on War Crimes Charges

VOA News - September 16, 2011

Callixte MbarushimanaA former Rwandan rebel leader has appeared before the International Criminal Court facing charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, told The Hague court that Mbarushimana represented the “respectable public face” of the FDLR, a Rwandan Hutu rebel group that attacked civilians in Congo's North and South Kivu provinces in 2009.
UN Employee Arrested for Trying to Smuggle Tin Ore - August 22, 2011

United Nations DR Congo mission vehicle caught in smuggling attempt in North KivuA United Nations employee was arrested in North Kivu province Sunday night while attempting to smuggle over one ton of tin ore to neighboring Rwanda, Congolese officials said on Monday.
Controversy over "conflict minerals" law

IRIN - August 2, 2011

Big business... But little of the hundreds of millions of dollars generated annually by DRC's mineral sector ends up in stateMajor industries are seeking to alter the proposed US reporting rules on “conflict minerals” mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In a bid to stem the flow of money from minerals mined in eastern Congo, widely seen as fuelling the ongoing conflicts, the US government included a clause in the financial reform legislation of July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
UN envoy tells Security Council of improving security, remaining threats

UN News Service - June 9, 2011

Special Representative Roger Meece briefs the Security Council on the situation in the DRC“There has been significant progress regarding the security situation in recent years in eastern DRC,” said Roger Meece, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), in a briefing to the Council.

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