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European Union Condemns Congo Bloodshed

VOA News - March 27, 2007

Kinshasa violenceEuropean Union ambassadors have expressed their indignation at two days of machine-gun and mortar battles between the army and loyalists of former vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital.
William Swing meets President of the National Assembly

MONUC - March 16, 2007

Vital Kamerhe - William SwingOne day after the opening of the first ordinary session of the National Assembly, Assembly President Vital Kamerhe held a meeting on March 16, 2007 at the Palais de Peuple in Kinshasa with William Swing, UN Special Representative to the Secretary General in the DRC, as well as ambassadors from the international community to discuss the issues facing the Assembly.
DRC National Assembly opens its first ordinary session

MONUC - March 15, 2007

DRC - Congo ParliamentThe DRC National Assembly met on March 15, 2007 for the opening of their first ordinary session at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa, which was attended by many political personalities from MONUC and the international community. During his opening address, Assembly President Vital Kamerhe spoke of the many challenges that lie ahead for the country.
World Bank hails UN in DRC and calls for more international support for the country

MONUC - March 10, 2007

Paul Wolfowitz and Louis Michel in CongoAt a press conference in Kinshasa on Friday March 9,2007, President of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz stressed the need for the institution to 'move fast' in support of the DRC's reconstruction. He expressed his optimism for the country's future, and said that the World Bank was fully committed to supporting the fledgling DRC government in the fight against bribery and corruption, which he said was the 'main obstacle' to economic growth.
Congo Rebels Shoot Silverback Gorilla For Food

Wildlife Extra/Congo Rangers - January 18, 2007

Congo gorilla in Virunga National ParkRebel soldiers commanded by local warlord, Laurent Nkunda, shot and killed a silverback Mountain Gorilla in the Southern Sector of Virunga National Park, in the war torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. It has also been confirmed that a second gorilla has also been killed, while unconfirmed reports indicate that possibly several more have been shot
New Law Enhances US Efforts to Assist, Provide Funds to Congo

US Department of State - January 2, 2007

USAID - Congo KinshasaAt least $52 million annually for fiscal years 2006 and 2007 will be provided to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) under legislation signed December 22 by President Bush. These funds are intended to enhance the United States' and international organizations' efforts to fight political, social and economic challenges facing the African nation.
Security crucial to Kabila's success

IRIN - December 20, 2006

Joseph Kabila in Nairobi, KenyaJoseph Kabila won Congo's first democratic presidential elections in decades, but now the 35-year-old former guerrilla leader faces the daunting task of rebuilding from scratch a country almost the size of western Europe.
White House congratulates Kabila on his victory

White House - November 29, 2006

Tony Snow - White House Press SecretaryThe United States commends the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the completion of presidential run-off and provincial elections. We congratulate President Kabila on his victory in the run-off election and urge all parties to uphold the ruling by the Congolese Supreme Court.
Tension rises after Bemba told to remove guards

IRIN - November 24, 2006

Monuc soldiers in KinshasaResidents of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, have largely remained indoors and fearful after President Joseph Kabila requested that his rival Jean-Pierre Bemba withdraw some of his personal guards from the city by Friday.
Supreme Court to be relocated after fire

IRIN - November 22, 2006

The Supreme Court of Congo in flame after election violenceThe offices of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Republic of Congo, partly damaged by fire, will be relocated to different parts of the capital, Kinshasa, or elsewhere in the country, Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa said on Wednesday after inspecting the facility.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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