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News | European Union

Security Council urges DR Congo presidential candidates to use law for any challenges

UN News Service - November 18, 2006

Un Security Council17 November 2006 - The Security Council today added its voice to the chorus of United Nations calls for the two candidates and their supporters in the run-off presidential election in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to avoid acts of violence after the release of provisional results and to use the law only to settle any challenges.
EU electoral observer mission gives its findings

Monuc/MOE UE - November 17, 2006

MOE UEThe European Union Electoral Observer Mission (MOE UE) gave a press conference this Friday November 17 2006 in Kinshasa where they gave their findings of the elements collected by its observers on the ground, and the figures compiled by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).
Kabila wins presidential election

IRIN - November 16, 2006

Jospeh KabilaThe Democratic Republic of Congo's Independent Electoral Commission has declared Joseph Kabila winner of a run-off presidential poll that marked the end of the country's three-year transition to democracy.
Appeal for calm as country awaits poll result

IRIN - November 15, 2006

Kinshasa - electionsForeign envoys monitoring the elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Wednesday appealed for calm while armed forces patrolled the streets of the capital, Kinshasa, amid rising tension between supporters of presidential contenders Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba.
Hundreds of Arrests Follow DRC Violence

VOA News - November 13, 2006

KinshasaHundreds have been arrested in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the aftermath of deadly clashes Saturday surrounding preliminary election results.With only 10 percent of the vote left to be counted, and preliminary election results showing presidential incumbent Joseph Kabila leading with nearly 60 percent of the vote, supporters of his opponent, former rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba, are making accusations of election fraud.
EU observers: The polling day took place in remarkably calm atmosphere

Monuc - November 2, 2006

Congo - electionsThe European Union Electoral Observation Mission (EU EOM) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo noted at a press conference held in Kinshasa on 1 November 2006, that the Election Day went off in order and with noticeable improvement in the operations transparency comparing to the first round elections.
DRC Observers Seek Transparency in Vote Counting

VOA News - November 2, 2006

Congo observerObservers of Sunday's second-round presidential election in the Democratic Republic of Congo are pleading with electoral officials to ensure transparency in vote counting. The observers also criticized Congolese media for disseminating hate speech and biased coverage.
The Congolese people won't accept a return to violence and destruction

Monuc - October 27, 2006

Ciat - KinshasaThe International Committee in Support of the Transition (CIAT*) invites the Congolese to participate en masse in the presidential and provincial elections on 29 October, 2006 and states that neither the Congolese people nor the international community will accept a return to violence and destruction in the country.
UN and European security forces vigilant ahead of presidential run-off

IRIN - October 24, 2006

Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre BembaAs presidential rivals Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba prepare for an electoral run-off in the Congo on Sunday, the two international forces in charge of security during the polls, say they are ready to quell any violence that erupts.
EU Boosts Troop Level in DRC Ahead of Run-Off Vote

VOA News - October 20, 2006

Congo policemanThe European Union plans to bring more peacekeeping troops to Kinshasa ahead of Congo's upcoming presidential run-off election.A spokesman for the EU peacekeeping force in Congo, Thierry Fusalba, says about 200 German and Dutch soldiers will be moved in from Gabon and deployed next week.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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