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DR Congo, Rwanda Sign Pact to Fight Rebels in Eastern Congo

Congo News Agency - July 15, 2012

Joseph Kabila and Paul KagameDR Congo’s President Joseph Kabila and Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame have endorsed a pact seeking the creation of a new military force comprised of soldiers from “neutral” countries to fight and “eradicate” the armed groups operating in eastern Congo, including the M23 rebels led by warlord Bosco Ntaganda and the Rwandan rebels of the FDLR.
U.S. Tells Rwanda to Stop Supporting Rebels in DR Congo

Congo News Agency - July 2, 2012

Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the United States Department of StateThe U.S. has “asked Rwanda to halt and prevent” the support to rebels in DR Congo from its territory after a U.N. report said that top Rwandan officials have provided weapons, ammunitions and men to a new rebellion led by warlord Bosco Ntaganda, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on war crimes charges.
U.S. and U.K. Must Tell Rwanda to Stop Supporting Rebels in DR Congo, Global Witness Says

Global Witness - June 29, 2012

Rwanda's President Paul KagameRwanda’s two main donors, the United Kingdom and United States, must use their influence to end Kigali’s support of armed groups operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They cannot stand by and watch a regime they bankroll orchestrating a new war in Congo, Global Witness says.
Kagame Is A Problem for The U.S. and The U.K.

Congo News Agency - June 23, 2012

Rwanda's President Paul KagameRights groups are increasingly appalled at the support Mr. Kagame has continued to receive from those who claim to be the leading defenders of human rights around the world, while at the same time providing support and cover for a man many consider a dictator involved in war crimes across the border in eastern Congo.
US blocking UN report on Ntaganda rebels, Human Rights Watch says

BBC News - June 21, 2012

Bosco NtagandaThe US is covering up information about rebels led by a man wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch has said. The global watchdog says Washington is blocking publication of a UN inquiry into rebels led by Bosco Ntaganda in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Congo Government Says Bosco Ntaganda Rebels Trained in Rwanda

Congo News Agency - June 10, 2012

Lambert MendeThe Congolese government has confirmed reports by the United Nations mission in DR Congo and Human Rights Watch that former rebels led by wanted war crimes suspect Bosco Ntaganda have received reinforcements from Rwanda.
Congo Army Advances On Rebels Holdout, Says Official

Peter Clottey/VOA News - June 5, 2012

Lambert Mende OmalangaInformation minister Lambert Mende says the national army is crushing the rebellion by renegade soldiers loyal to General Bosco Ntaganda. “The army is advancing and they are doing very well. And we hope that in the hours or days to come, the job will be finished. I think everything will be done very soon,” said Lambert Mende.
UN Report Accuses Rwanda of Supporting Bosco Ntaganda Rebels

Congo News Agency - May 28, 2012

Joseph Kabila and Paul Kagame in KinshasaAn internal UN report obtained by the BBC says that Rwanda is once again supporting rebels in eastern Congo linked to renegade general Bosco Ntaganda. The report cites rebel soldiers who say they were trained to join the Rwandan army but were sent instead across the border to eastern Congo to fight alongside mutinous soldiers.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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