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Two Suspects Arrested in Attack on MONUSCO Base

Radio Okapi - August 20, 2010

MONUC peacekeepers in GomaTwo people suspected of involvement in an attack on a United Nations peacekeeping base in Kirumba, North Kivu, on Wednesday were arrested in Lubero on Thursday by the Congolese army.
Ban Ki-moon deplores deadly attack against blue helmets in North Kivu

UN News - August 18, 2010

MONUC peacekeepers in CongoSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the overnight ambush of a United Nations peacekeeping base in the troubled far east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo which has claimed the lives of three Indian blue helmets.
Electoral Commission Sets Date for 2011 Presidential Election

ACP - August 9, 2010

Apolinaire Malu MaluThe first round of presidential and parliamentary elections in the DRC will be held on November 27, 2011. The head of the Independent Electoral Commission, Apolinaire Malu Malu, released the schedule on Monday during a press conference in Kinshasa.
Ban Ki-moon inaugurates new phase of UN mission in DR Congo

UN News - July 1, 2010

Ban Ki-moonFrom today, the UN mission will be known as the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) and will stay in the DRC only until 30 June next year. Last month, the Security Council passed a resolution authorizing the withdrawal of up to 2,000 UN military personnel – from an existing strength of 19,815 – by today from areas where security has improved enough to allow their removal.
Congo Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Independence

Congo News Agency - June 30, 2010

Joseph KabilaAn impressive parade of the Congolese Armed Forces, the national police and civilians took place on Wednesday in Kinshasa, on the new Triumphal Boulevard, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s accession to national and internationally sovereignty.
Top UN envoy bids farewell to first batch of blue helmets leaving DR Congo

UN News - June 16, 2010

Alan DossThe Security Council last month agreed to transform the UN peacekeeping mission in DRC (MONUC) into a stabilization mission in the coming weeks, authorizing the withdrawal of up to 2,000 UN military personnel – from an existing strength of 19,815 – by 30 June from areas where security has improved enough to allow their removal.
Veteran United States diplomat appointed to top UN post in DR Congo

UN News - June 9, 2010

Roger MeeceSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon has named Roger A. Meece, a United States national with over three decades of international experience, including in a number of African nations, as the top United Nations envoy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. Meece will succeed Alan Doss of the United Kingdom, who concludes his term as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN mission in DRC at the end of June.
UN to reduce DR Congo peace force

BBC News - May 28, 2010

MONUCThe UN Security Council has voted to authorise the withdrawal of up to 2,000 peacekeepers from the Democratic Republic of Congo by 30 June. However, it has delayed a decision on the full withdrawal of its 20,500-strong force, as sought by Congolese President Joseph Kabila, to next year.
Security Council agrees to convert UN mission in DR Congo into stabilization force

UN News - May 28, 2010

Un Security CouncilThe Security Council today extended the current mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by one month and agreed to transform the operation so that from then on it becomes a stabilization mission.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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