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U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Sherrod Brown to Travel to Africa - February 13, 2010

Dick DurbinAssistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) will travel to Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and Sudan this week to examine US foreign assistance programs in the region.
President Barack Obama Praises Dikembe Mutombo for Humanitarian Work

Lauren Burgoon - Georgetown University News - January 19, 2010

President Barack Obama with Dikembe MutomboPresident Obama served as a surprise guest at the eighth annual "Let Freedom Ring!" event celebrating the life and legacy of the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and honoring NBA great and philanthropist Dikembe Mutombo.
UN report: Vast International Network Helping Rwandan Hutu Rebels in Eastern Congo

Congo News Agency - November 27, 2009

Great Lakes - Kivu provincesA report by a group of experts, mandated by the United Nations Security Council to investigate on the situation in eastern Congo, has found that a vast international network that spans more than 25 countries is helping the Rwandan Hutu rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) continue their atrocities in the region.

Conflict Minerals Under Study in US Congress

VOA News - November 26, 2009

Coltan in cellphonesBipartisan legislation on so called "conflict minerals" was recently introduced in the US House of Representatives. The bill is designed to create transparency and allow consumers to make informed choices when they purchase electronic devices like cell phones.
Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

VOA News - October 9, 2009

Barack ObamaU.S. President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo recognized Mr. Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
African development needs more actions, less words

Xinhua - August 15, 2009

Joseph Kabila with Hillary Clinton in Goma - CongoU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrapped up her 11-day, seven-nation African tour on Thursday without announcing sincere and pragmatic actions to promote African development except promising financial aid to very few countries she visited.
Clinton: US Committed to Good Governance in Congo

VOA News - August 10, 2009

Joseph Kabila and Hillary Clinton in Goma"We know that the promise of the D.R.C. is limitless. We will help you build a strong, civilian-lead government that is accountable and transparent, an independent judiciary, a professional military that respects human rights, a free press, and an active and engaged citizenry. A society whose institutions respect the rule of law," she said.
Hillary Clinton to tackle Congo conflict

BBC News - August 10, 2009

Hillary ClintonUS Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where she will speak out on the country's deadly civil conflict.
Susan Rice: United Nations Peacekeeping Force Under Severe Strain

VOA News - July 30, 2009

US ambassador to the UN Susan RiceThe U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations says the U.N. peacekeeping force is stretched to the limit, and needs more support and supervision. Ambassador Susan Rice told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that peacekeeping helps protect the United States and other nations. Rice is urging Congress to support peacekeeping, despite sexual misconduct by a few members of the force.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Visit Africa

U.S. Department of State - July 27, 2009

Hillary ClintonThe Secretary will travel to Kenya, South Africa, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Liberia, and Cape Verde. In each nation, she will emphasize Africa as a place of opportunity, built on an ethic of responsibility. She will underline America's commitment to partner with governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and private citizens to build societies where each individual can realize their potential.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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