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31 Million Registered to Vote

Congo News Agency - July 20, 2011

Joseph Kabila registers to voteThe Congolese government has given an additional $30 million US to the Independent National Electoral Commission, the chairman of INEC, Daniel Ngoy Mulunda, said on Tuesday in Kinshasa. INEC announced on Sunday that 31 million people have registered to vote in the upcoming elections.
Global Witness welcomes DR Congo's decision to publish resource contracts

Global Witness - June 3, 2011

Gecamines - KatangaA decree published this week by the Democratic Republic of Congo commits the government to disclose all natural resource contracts within 60 days of their coming into effect. The decision is a welcome move which could help reduce corruption in the country if fully implemented, Global Witness said today.
Minister Sacked over Boat Accidents

Radio Okapi - May 4, 2011

An overloaded boat on the Congo RiverPresident Joseph Kabila has sacked Minister of Transportation Laure-Marie Kawanda after two boat accidents left dozens killed and others missing in a span of a little over a week. Government spokesman Lambert Mende said that Kawanda was ultimately accountable for the negligence in the sector that led to the accidents.
IEC: Elections to Cost $712 million

Congo News Agency - August 14, 2010

Apolinaire MalumaluThe Independent Electoral Commission says $712 million will be needed to organize presidential, parliamentary, and local elections until 2013. IEC chair Apolinaire Malu Malu says that the government will fund 60% of the cost.
Adolphe Muzito Withdraws Decrees on new Towns and Municipalities

Radio Okapi - June 10, 2010

Democratic Republic of Congo SenatePrime Minister Adolphe Muzito announced on Thursday he was withdrawing the decrees he had signed conferring the status of town and municipalities to some parts of the country. He said he would instead establish a technical committee to propose changes.
Joseph Kabila Reshuffles Government

Congo News Agency - February 21, 2010

Congo Government MeetingPresident Joseph Kabila has carried-out a long-awaited government reshuffle aimed at improving performance and good governance. Adolphe Muzito has been reappointed as Prime Minister, Francois Joseph Nzanga Mobutu will also stay on as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Labor and Welfare.

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Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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