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Fueling World Ivory Trade Spells New Threat to Africa's Elephant Population

VOA News - May 2, 2008

Elephants - VirungaAn upsurge of elephant poaching in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in the killing of 14 elephants in the past two weeks by militias, the military, and local villagers. Four were felled by an ex-Rwandan Hutu FDLR militia, formerly known as Interahamwe. Three elephants were murdered by the local Mai-Mai militia (PARECO), five by the Congolese military (FARDC), and two by local villagers.
EU: There are many actions ongoing to convince the FDLR to return

MONUC - April 11, 2008

Roeland van de GeerIn an interview with Radio Okapi on Friday 11 April 2008, European Union (EU) Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region Roeland van de Geer said that the EU was committed to assisting the peace process in eastern DRC, and in particular to resolving the problem of the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) armed group that are still active in eastern DRC.
Human Rights: Castañon calls for sustainability in the DRC

MONUC - April 10, 2008

Fernando CastanonFernando Castañon, Director of MONUC's Human Rights Division and Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in the DRC, reached the end of his mission on 8 April 2008. As division head since February 2005 and a UN staff member since 1989, he talked to us about his work at MONUC and his past experience with the UN.
Security Council wants eastern Congo armed groups to lay down arms and surrender to authorities

United Nations Security Council - March 13, 2008

Un Security CouncilGravely concerned that the continued presence of armed groups and militias in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo perpetuated a climate of insecurity in the whole region, the Security Council demanded today that their members immediately lay down their arms and turn themselves in to Congolese and United Nations Mission authorities for disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration.
Round table talks on DRC Security Sector Reform

MONUC - February 26, 2008

Denis KalumeThe opening ceremony of two days of round table talks on the DRC Security Sector Reform, which aims at a reform of the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC) and the National Congolese Police (PNC), was held in Kinshasa on 25 February 2008.
Katanga: Armed confrontations between FARDC troops in Kamina brassage centre

MONUC - February 19, 2008

Kamina - Katanga MapMONUC was informed that armed confrontations took place Sunday February 17, 2008, between ex-combatants of the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), the political-military movement for Laurent Nkunda, and soldiers of the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC), all of which were in training in the Kamina base, located 600 km north-west of Lubumbashi, in Katanga province in south eastern DRC.
Congolese military justice officials trained in sex crime investigation

MONUC - February 11, 2008

MONUCMONUC's Rule of Law division in conjunction with the American Defence Institute of International Legal Studies organized a four-day comprehensive judicial capacity building training workshop on sex crime investigation, targeting 42 military investigators, prosecutors and magistrates, drawn from the entire province of Orientale. The legal technical training, which was the first of its kind commenced on 30 January 2008 in Kisangani, Orientale.
Aru: Congolese flag flies again in Kengezi base

MONUC - February 6, 2008

MONUCAfter a successful meeting held in southern Sudan on 2 February 2008, between the governor of Orientale province, Medard Autsai Asenga, and his Sudanese counterpart of the Province of Central Equateur, Major General Clément Wani Konga, an agreement was concluded to put an end to an old frontier conflict, exacerbated by the incidents of 24January last in Kengezi base.
UN SC authorizes MONUC to organize, conduct local elections

United Nations Security Council - January 31, 2008

Un Security CouncilThe Security Council, reaffirming its commitment to contribute to the consolidation of peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's post-transition period, today authorized the United Nations Mission there to assist the Congolese authorities in organizing, preparing and conducting local elections.
William Swing leaves Congo with a note of hope

MONUC - January 11, 2008

William SwingMr. William Lacy Swing, former Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the DRC, left the country this week after five years as MONUC head between July 2003 and January 2008. In a Radio Okapi interview on 8 January 2008, Mr. Swing gave an assessment of his five years at MONUC, and the challenges he faced.

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