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MONUC: Our preferred option is that combatants enter brassage immediately without conditions

MONUC - October 17, 2007

MONUC conferenceAt the weekly MONUC press conference in Kinshasa on Wednesday 17 October 2007, MONUC force commander General Babacar Gaye reiterated MONUC's mandate, as the DRC government seeks to establish its authority in troubled North Kivu province.
Ituri: DDR phase III process officially ends

MONUC - October 16, 2007

Ituri - CongoThe Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) phase III pilot project which began in Ituri district on 4 August 2007, officially ended on Monday 15 October 2007 in Bunia. The DRC Minister for Social Affairs who chaired the ceremony gave an additional 72 hours deadline extension for combatants still in the bush to disarm, and launched the community reconstruction project for Ituri.
Kabila in Goma ahead of Government Ultimatum for Rebels to Disarm

Congo News Agency - October 14, 2007

Joseph KabilaKabila arrived Sunday in the Nord-Kivu province capital of Goma a day ahead of an ultimatum to rebels loyal to renegade general Laurent Nkunda to disarm or face a new offensive by the Congolese armed forces (FARDC). Kabila arrived in Goma at 9:30 local time accompanied by the defense minister, the army chief of staff and the minister of humanitarian affairs.
MONUC: Our number one concern is that a fast solution is found to the crisis

MONUC - October 12, 2007

Babacar GayeThe situation in eastern DRC, particularly in North Kivu, was marked by several confrontations in the last week, between the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC) and the troops of ex General Laurent Nkunda. We interviewed MONUC force commander General Babacar Gaye who explained the situation on the ground, and the measures taken by MONUC to protect the population.
Congolese Rebel Leader Seeks Peace

VOA News - October 11, 2007

A renegade Congolese general who shattered a U.N.-mediated ceasefire earlier this week has performed a hasty turnaround, demanding a halt to the violence that has killed dozens of his men.

Violence cuts off 150,000 people from aid - WFP

IRIN - October 8, 2007

WFP truck in CongoChronic violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has cut 150,000 vulnerable people off from humanitarian aid, deepening an already severe crisis, according to the UN World Food Programme (WFP).
MONUC rejects claims of army link to militia groups

IRIN - October 3, 2007

MONUC - CongoThe UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) has no evidence that the Congolese army has joined forces with outlawed Hutu and Mayi-Mayi militia groups to purge a rebellion by dissident army commander, Gen Laurent Nkunda, a spokesman for MONUC said on 3 October.
Army calls on rebels to integrate

IRIN - September 29, 2007

Laurent NkundaThe Congolese army has launched an appeal for militias loyal to renegade army general Laurent Nkunda, as well as other combatants and armed groups in the eastern province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), to be integrated into the army or be demobilised.
Eastern Congo Still Waiting on Kabila to Deliver on Promise to Bring Peace to the Region

Congo News Agency - September 29, 2007

CongoSince Joseph Kabila's inauguration last December as the first democratically elected president since independence, there has been no improvement on the security front in the eastern provinces. Much to the dismay of the residents of North and South Kivu, who voted massively for Joseph Kabila, he has been unable to deliver on his election promise to bring lasting peace to the region. The security situation in eastern Congo has worsened since the elections and people are calling on the government to do more to stop the militias operating in the region.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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