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MONUC assisting the displaced population in the East

MONUC - May 2, 2007

MONUCAt its weekly press conference on May 2 2007, MONUC declared that it is continuing identification missions of the displacement zones in North and South Kivu following the military operations by the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) against the Democratic Forces for the liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).
Civilians fleeing fighting in east forced into makeshift camps

IRIN - April 25, 2007

South Kivu womanCivilians fleeing fighting between Congolese government troops and rebel militias in North Kivu Province have been forced to shelter in makeshift camps 100km from Goma town, aid workers said.
Army, UN to monitor rebel move to assembly point

IRIN - April 23, 2007

Vincent OttiOfficials from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) army and the United Nations will verify that Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels have assembled near the DRC-Sudan border as agreed.
Arbitrary killings, rape part of ongoing abuses in the east

IRIN - April 19, 2007

Congo-Kinshasa Sake areaExecutions and rape of civilians have continued in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) according to a report published by the United Nations detailing human rights abuses during the month of March.
Senator Bemba leaves for Portugal

MONUC - April 11, 2007

Jean-Pierre BembaSenator J.P. Bemba, who was finally authorised to go to Portugal for medical treatment, left Kinshasa this Wednesday morning 11 April 2007 at 2am in his private Boeing 727, accompanied by his wife and five children.
After violence in Kinshasa, senator Bemba takes off for Portugal

MISNA - April 11, 2007

Jean-Pierre BembaToday at 2:00a.m. local time, Senator Jean-Pierre Bemba, who has been at the South African Embassy since the tragic events of March 22-24, departed from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for Portugal to receive medical treatment.
FNI militia leader Peter Karim surrenders to DRC government

MONUC - April 9, 2007

Peter KarimPeter Karim, commander of the last remaining Ituri militia group - the FNI - surrendered to the DRC government with seven of his officers on Saturday 7 April 2007 at Kpandroma, 90 kilometres north east of district capital Bunia.
EU heads express 'indignation' over Kinshasa violence

MONUC - March 27, 2007

EU Ambassadors in KinshasaAt a press conference in Kinshasa this Tuesday March 27 2007, the representatives of the European Union countries to the DRC expressed their 'indignation' at the recourse to the violent armed Kinshasa conflict of March 22 to 25 2007, 'when all routes to dialogue were not yet exhausted.' German ambassador Karl Albrecht Wokalek said the death toll 'could reach 600.'
Calm returns to Kinshasa

MONUC - March 24, 2007

Kinshasa BoulevardCalm has returned to Kinshasa this Saturday March 24 2007, after two days of heavy fighting in the central district of Gombe between members of ex vice President's Bemba's guards and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC), which claimed the lives of at least 60 people, and left many wounded.
Situation remains tense in Kinshasa

MONUC - March 23, 2007

Monuc - KinshasaThe situation remains tense in Kinshasa this Friday March 23 2007, after heavy fighting between the guards of ex vice president Jean Pierre Bemba and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC), which has raged in the capital’s central Gombe district since yesterday morning.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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