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FDLR leader Callixte Mbarushimana arrested in France on ICC warrant

ICC - October 11, 2010

FDLR leader Callixte MbarushimanaIn accordance with the warrant of arrest issued under seals by the judges of the International Criminal Court on 28 September, 2010, the French authorities arrested Mr Callixte Mbarushimana, suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Kivu provinces, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
AFRICOM: Professionalism Key to Congo Medical Exercise

American Forces Press Service - September 17, 2010

U.S. Army Maj. Angie Allmer assists a Congo resident to the medical waiting area in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sept. 14, 2010.Humanitarian assistance -- especially medical and dental care -- is in high demand in Africa. And, that’s a big part of the reason the U.S. military is involved on the continent, the commander of U.S. Army Africa said yesterday. During a Sept. 15 “DoD Live” bloggers roundtable, Army Maj. Gen. David R. Hogg discussed Medflag 10, an ongoing humanitarian assistance exercise in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capital of Kinshasa.
AFRICOM: North Dakota Unit Participates in Training Exercise in Congo

North Dakota National Guard Joint Force Headquarters Public Affairs - September 10, 2010

AFRICOM - North Dakota Unit Participates in Training Exercise in CongoThe North Dakota National Guard's 814th Area Support Medical Company, of Bismarck and Grand Forks, arrived in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo to participate in MEDFLAG 10, a joint medical exercise focused on humanitarian assistance that will take place September 6-18, 2010.
FDLR Rebels Continue Campaign of Terror in Eastern Congo

Congo News Agency - August 23, 2010

Congo MilitiamenRebels from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) have been reported in the North Kivu region of Walikale, where they are, once again, conducting a terror campaign against the local population. From Saturday night to Sunday, FDLR rebels made an incursion into the village of Butua, some 12 km from the center of Walikale, and looted and kidnapped civilians, local sources said.
Two Suspects Arrested in Attack on MONUSCO Base

Radio Okapi - August 20, 2010

MONUC peacekeepers in GomaTwo people suspected of involvement in an attack on a United Nations peacekeeping base in Kirumba, North Kivu, on Wednesday were arrested in Lubero on Thursday by the Congolese army.
Congo Army Killed Ugandan Rebels Commander in North Kivu - Government

Le Potentiel - August 4, 2010

Lambert MendeThe commander in chief of the Ugandan rebel ADF/NALU, colonel Katodo, was killed by the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) during operation Ruwenzori in North Kivu Province, Information Minister and government spokesman Lambert Mende said on Tuesday at a press conference in Kinshasa.
Huge DR Congo gold mine to open, displacing 15,000

BBC News - July 22, 2010

Rangold Resources Kibali ProjectMining firm Randgold Resources says it is to begin mining Africa's largest undeveloped gold deposit - in eastern DR Congo. The mine will require the re-location of 15,000 people, but Randgold says the project has the support of the government and the local community.
U.S. Official Sees Improvement in Africa's Great Lakes Region

Charles W. Corey | - May 26, 2010

Johnnie CarsonPresident Kabila has taken important steps to address insecurity, but they remain insufficient. The president has also voiced strong support for our program to train a light infantry battalion in Kisangani. That training includes a strong focus on improving FARDC human rights practices, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson told the U.S. Congress.
Leader of Enyele Rebels Arrested in Equateur

Congo News Agency - May 5, 2010

Congolese refugeesThe leader of the Enyele rebels who led a surprise attack on Mbandaka in April has been arrested. Mr. Udjani was handed over to the police on Wednesday by residents of his stronghold of Dongo, where he had returned to look for new recruits.
DR Congo army regains control of Mbandaka

Xinhua - April 4, 2010

FARDC soldier in KivuTthe national army of the Democratic Republic of Congo, has regained control of the northwestern city of Mbandaka, hours after Enyele insurgents claimed to have snatched it in a surprise attack, according to the military.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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