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The United States Wants Nkunda To Surrender And Go Into Exile

Congo Planet - November 30, 2007

Jendayi FrazerThe United States government has asked renegade general Laurent Nkunda to go into exile and allow his troops to join the integration process into the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC).
DR Congo threatens war on rebels

BBC News - November 23, 2007

Congo soldiersThe head of the army in the Democratic Republic of Congo says he has given up all hope of a peaceful solution to the conflict in eastern Congo.
The deserted village - a casualty of North Kivu's continuing conflict

IRIN - November 22, 2007

IDP in North Kivu - CongoIt may only be a short walk from its bustling neighbour Sake, but Kimoka is a ghost town. Homes are abandoned, the school is deserted and the brand new church empty. Light streams in through the open door onto huge leather drums beside the pulpit. When the congregation fled, the drums became redundant. Now the only percussion comes from the small arms fire echoing through the mountains.
Clashes prompt new wave of IDPs as army readies for offensive

IRIN - November 22, 2007

North Kivu - CongoMany civilians have fled the Democratic Republic of Congo town of Rutshuru amid fresh clashes between regular and dissident soldiers - renegade troops who the head of the army announced would soon be disarmed by force.
MONUC: Mobile operational bases aid refugee return in eastern DRC

MONUC - November 21, 2007

MONUC press conference in DR CongoNearly 3,000 households that were displaced between February and September 2007, following confrontations between the FARDC and the militia of the FNI, have now returned to their homes.
UNDP: the DDR phase III in Ituri proved to be one of the most credible disarmament operations in DRC

MONUC - November 9, 2007

Gustavo GonzalezThe peace-building process in Ituri is on the right track. Following the disarmament and demobilization of ex-combatants, the process is now entering its final phase - the reintegration of ex-combatants. Gustavo Gonzalez, coordinator of the operation for UNDP, assesses the activities and their outcomes.
Transfer of ex-combatants major step for peace in northeast DR Congo

UN News - November 5, 2007

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has transferred 16 former commanders of Ituri armed groups to Kinshasa, calling it a major step in consolidating peace in the northeastern part of the

Departure of leaders of Ituri armed groups to Kinshasa

MONUC - November 3, 2007

FARDC and Milicians in train in KinshasaEighteen months of intense negotiations with the de facto leaders of the three remaining Ituri Armed Groups (IAGs) reached a climax level on 2 November 2007 when a MONUC special flight carrying 16 disarmed top leadership of IAGs departed Bunia at exactly 13:00 hours for Kinshasa.
Demobilise child soldiers, free minors held by military courts, says MONUC

IRIN - November 2, 2007

Child soldiers in Congo"We believe there are almost 200 minors still present in various FARDC [regular army] brigades currently deployed in North Kivu," MONUC spokesman Kemal Saiki told reporters on 31 October.
MONUC denounces the presence of children in FARDC's ranks

MONUC - October 31, 2007

MONUCAt its weekly press conference this Wednesday on 31October, 2007, MONUC declared that around 200 children are enrolled in the FARDC, particularly among brigades deployed to North Kivu. MONUC also indicated that the expulsions of Congolese citizens from Angola to Kasai Occidental continue.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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