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Government and rebel groups meet to discuss peace

IRIN - January 7, 2008

Goma MapAn eight-day conference aimed at bringing peace to the troubled Kivus region in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has opened in the North Kivu capital of Goma. Representatives from the government, armed groups, civil society and different ethnic groups are attending the talks at the Université Libre des Grands Lacs. However, the failure of Congolese President Joseph Kabila and rebel leader Laurent Nkunda to attend the conference has raised serious doubts about its effectiveness.
UN HCHR: Serious human rights violations committed in aftermath of Kinshasa events of March 2007

UN HCHR - January 5, 2008

Kinshasa violenceThe Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released today the preliminary findings of the United Nations Human Rights Office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (UNHRO) investigation into the Kinshasa events of March 2007 and their aftermath concluded that serious human rights violations were committed during and in the aftermath of the violence between DRC Government Forces (FARDC) and members of the personal security detail of former Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba (DPP) on 22 and 23 March 2007.
Goma: MONUC supporting the FARDC for peace conference security

MONUC - January 2, 2008

MONUC press conference in DR CongoAt its weekly press conference of 2 January 2008, MONUC stated that DRC Armed Forces (FARDC) battalions were transported by helicopter in the past week to North-Kivu to ensure the security of the Goma peace conference, envisaged for 6 January. The mission also supplied isolated FARDC units, and those wounded were evacuated to Goma.
North Kivu: Inauguration of new military operations centre

MONUC - December 31, 2007

FARDC - GomaA new military operations centre for the FARDC (DRC Armed Forces) 8th military region was inaugurated in Goma in North Kivu province on 29 December 2007. The centre, which was financed by the FARDC and built by MONUC's Blue Helmets, is another testament to the support that MONUC brings to the FARDC in the restoration of peace in eastern DRC.
Congo's Government Launches Offensive Against Rebels

VOA News - December 26, 2007

Congo army patrol in North-KivuThe government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has launched an offensive to root out renegade General Laurent Nkunda and other rebels who control parts of the country's east. Efforts to integrate the general and his rebels into the regular army have fallen apart, and now the military has taken up arms. Kari Barber has more.
Security Council calls on DR Congo rebels to disarm, end child recruitment

UN News - December 21, 2007

Un Security CouncilConcerned at the worsening situation in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where fighting has escalated between Government and renegade forces, the Security Council today demanded that all rebel groups lay down their arms and immediately stop recruiting children.
North Kivu: FARDC maintain blocking positions against Nkunda's rebels

MONUC - December 20, 2007

MONUC press conference in DR CongoAt its weekly press conference of 19 December 2007, MONUC announced that there "appears to be a progressive stabilisation" of the situation, as the FARDC have taken up blocking positions east, west and north of Laurent Nkunda's rebels in North Kivu province.
MONUC is committed to defending the towns of Sake and Goma

MONUC - December 12, 2007

MONUCAt its weekly press conference of 12 December 2007, MONUC announced that more than 4,500 blue helmets have been deployed in North Kivu province, to ensure the defence of the towns of Goma and Sake. Furthermore, blue helmets will maintain their presence in Mushake to protect displaced populations in Kilolirwe, Kitchanga and Kanyabayonga.
After Military Gains, DRC Rebels Poised Above Town Near Goma

VOA News - December 12, 2007

Congo-Kinshasa - Goma - SakeGeneral Indrajeet Narayan of MONUC, the United Nations peacekeeping force in DRC, says the army is consolidating its power and will come out stronger than it has been. "Reversals take place in war. Sometimes you have victories, sometimes you have reversals," he said. "I am sure this reversal is a very temporary reversal in nature. The FARDC [government forces] will consolidate and will come out stronger than ever it was."
Army seizes DR Congo rebel base

BBC News - December 5, 2007

Congo - Rwanda borderThe Democratic Republic of Congolese armed forces say they have taken control of the rebel headquarters in the eastern town of Mushake. After a night-long barrage, the army overran Gen Laurent Nkunda's base, their field commander told the BBC.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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