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UN mission in DR Congo denies Ntanganda's role in military operation

Xinhua - September 10, 2009

Bosco NtagandaThe United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) has denied any role of a general being sought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the anti-insurgency operation.
Human Rights: MONUC releases reports on Kiwanja and Kanyabayonga incidents

MONUC - September 9, 2009

MONUC investigate Kiwanja massacreThis first report documents the main human rights abuses that were committed and the legal framework that applies to them, as well as the chain of command that was in operation at the time of the perpetration of the abuses. Therein, the UNJHRO formulates several recommendations to the Congolese authorities, the parties to the conflict, and the international community, notably MONUC to improve its capacity to protect civilian populations.
350 Rwandan Hutu militiamen killed during Operation Kimia II in South Kivu province

Radio Okapi - August 29, 2009

FARDC soldier in KivuThe Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) have either killed or captured 500 Rwandan Hutu militiamen (FDLR) in South Kivu province since launching Operation Kimia II last month.
First Elements of Additional Troops to Reinforce MONUC Arrive in DRC

MONUC - August 27, 2009

MONUCAn advanced team of 10 officers and 178 troops from the Bangladeshi army arrived in Bunia, district of Ituri yesterday Wednesday 26 August ahead of a new contingent which will be part of the 3000 additional troops authorized by the Security Council in December 2009 to deploy in DRC.
Senior UN peacekeeping official assesses DR Congo's prisons

UN News - July 22, 2009

Congo prisonA senior United Nations peacekeeping official continued his tour today of the war-ravaged eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where he is evaluating the state of the country’s troubled prison system.
UN emergency fund gives $7 million to aid eastern DR Congo's displaced

UN News - July 17, 2009

Congo refugees - IDPsUnited Nations agencies and their partners will be able to provide urgent humanitarian relief to some 250,000 people in the strife-torn eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) thanks to $7 million in emergency funding.
Civilians paying price of efforts to thwart DR Congo armed groups, UN envoy says

UN News - July 10, 2009

Alan DossCivilians are bearing the brunt of attempts to dismantle armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), with the rebels carrying out vicious reprisals and some Government soldiers committing serious human rights abuses, the senior United Nations official to the country told the Security Council today.
Kimia II operations to be launched in South Kivu by Sunday - FARDC

Radio Okapi - July 9, 2009

Didier EtumbaKimia II operations will probably be launched this Sunday in South Kivu province. This announcement was made in Bukavu on Thursday by the Chief of Staff of the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) Didier Etumba at a press briefing. So far troops in Kimia II operations have been taking position and merely responding to attacks by the FDLR. They are now in the active phase of the operation.
Eastern DR Congo still faces security, humanitarian challenges - Ban Ki-moon

UN News - July 8, 2009

Ban Ki-moonThe security and humanitarian situation in the far east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues to crumble, despite the recent signing of a peace pact between the Government and a key militia, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon writes in a new report.
DR Congo Celebrates Independence Day

Congo News Agency - June 30, 2009

Joseph Kabila à GomaPresident Joseph Kabila called for a “moral and patriotic revival” to tackle the different challenges facing the country. He thanked the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) for their continued efforts to rid the country of all militias and armed groups. He urged all Congolese to support them. He said that the Government will intensify its efforts to achieve peace in all corners of the country and stop all sorts of violence against civilians, especially women.

Examples: Kabila | Tshisekedi | Kinshasa | Mazembe

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