Allies demand an end to the use of child soldiers | |
Church World Service - February 25, 2008 | |
![]() | In more than 50 countries around the world children are being kidnapped and forced to become child soldiers. Child soldiers are children younger then eighteen who are directly or indirectly used as combatants, porters, human mine detectors, sex slaves, and/ or for other forms of forced labor. Child soldiers are used by both non-governmental paramilitaries and governments. |
North-Kivu: MONUC's position on the massacre of Kalonge | |
MONUC - February 22, 2008 | |
![]() | The United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) has taken note of the communiqué issued by the "Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple" (CNDP) regarding the massacre of civilians in the Kalonge area in North Kivu in January of this year. |
Concerns over acquittal of war crimes convict | |
IRIN - February 21, 2008 | |
![]() | The acquittal by a court in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of a militia leader convicted of war crimes has drawn criticism, with human rights activists saying the decision could set a bad precedent in a country where armed groups have committed atrocities against civilians with impunity. |
Court announces verdict on the massive rapes of Waka and Lifumba | |
MONUC - February 20, 2008 | |
![]() | In Equateur province, the Mbandaka Military Court announced its verdict on 18 February 2008 in Waka locality, more than 500 kilometers east of Mbandaka, where 38 women and young girls were raped in Waka and Lifumba in February 2006. The twelve Congolese police officers were condemned to between 5 and 20 year prison terms, and to the payment of 5,000 dollars in damages to each of the rape victims. |
Katanga: Armed confrontations between FARDC troops in Kamina brassage centre | |
MONUC - February 19, 2008 | |
![]() | MONUC was informed that armed confrontations took place Sunday February 17, 2008, between ex-combatants of the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), the political-military movement for Laurent Nkunda, and soldiers of the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC), all of which were in training in the Kamina base, located 600 km north-west of Lubumbashi, in Katanga province in south eastern DRC. |
Representative of the Secretary General for human rights visits the DRC | |
MONUC - February 18, 2008 | |
![]() | The Representative of the UN Secretary General on the rights of internally displaced persons, Mr. Walter Kälin, is paying a work visit to the DRC from 12-22 February, 2008. The goal of the visit is to examine the situation in the country concerning internal displacements of the population, and to engage in dialogue with the government, the internally displaced, and the actors concerned. |
Security Council extends arms embargo on Democratic Republic of Congo until 31 March, unanimously adopting Resolution 1799 (2008) | |
Security Council - February 15, 2008 | |
![]() | Determining that the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region, the Security Council decided this morning to extend the sanctions regime for that country, due to expire today, until 31 March. |
DRC signs a $390 million five year governance programme with the UNDP | |
MONUC - February 14, 2008 | |
![]() | DRC Foreign Affairs Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi and Ross Mountain, the Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), signed a new governance programme for the DRC in Kinshasa on Thursday February 14, 2008. The signature signifies the effective start of the vast programme, primarily aimed at promoting a system of stable and legitimate governance which favours durable human development. |
MONUC: There is no justification for the recruitment of children into armed groups | |
MONUC - February 13, 2008 | |
![]() | Annually on 12 February, the world celebrates the International Day of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups. DR Congo is one of six African countries that have the most children in armed forces or groups. We interviewed Judith Lavoie, head of MONUC's Child Protection Division, who explained what MONUC is doing to help bring an end to child recruitment in the DRC. |
North Kivu: Mr. Doss welcomes the progress achieved in the follow up of the Goma conference | |
MONUC - February 11, 2008 | |
![]() | Mr. Alan Doss, the Special representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC, accompanied by MONUC Force commander General Babacar Gaye, paid a visit to Goma on Saturday 9 February 2008, in order to make a progress report on the follow-up of the Goma conference. He welcomed the progress achieved and called on all armed groups to respect the act of engagement. |
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