Rebel Leader's Threat to Take Over DRC Draws Objections from Countrymen | |
VOA News - November 20, 2008 | |
![]() | Some Congolese are warning renegade army General Laurent Nkunda that they would make life difficult for him if he goes ahead with his threat to take over the country. They are accusing the rebel leader of fighting an unjustified war, which has led to the loss of lives and property and an escalation in the number of people adversely affected by the rebel insurgency. |
International Criminal Court rules that Congolese rebel's trial back on track | |
UN News - November 20, 2008 | |
![]() | The International Criminal Court (ICC) today announced its decision to reverse its earlier suspension of the trial of Congolese rebel leader Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, accused of recruiting child soldiers to serve in his militia. |
Top UN envoy voices hope for additional troops in volatile eastern DR Congo | |
UN News - November 18, 2008 | |
![]() | The top United Nations envoy to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) today expressed hope that the Security Council will shortly approve a request for 3,000 additional troops to buttress blue helmets already on the ground in the country’s east, the scene of fierce recent conflict. |
Obasanjo says his mediation accepted by rebel leader Laurent Nkunda in DR Congo | |
XINHUA - November 17, 2008 | |
![]() | At the end of his mission on Sunday in DR Congo's eastern province of North Kivu, the former Nigerian president said Laurent Nkunda, the Tutsi leader of the rebel National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), accepted his role as the special envoy of the UN secretary general in mediating a deal to end the clash. |
Genocide in the Congo: Führer Laurent Nkunda's Wildest Dreams | |
Congo News Agency - November 13, 2008 | |
![]() | In his wildest dreams, warlord Laurent Nkunda sees himself as the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo one day. He dreams of marching on to Kinshasa from his hideouts in Kigali and North Kivu, on to South Kivu, Katanga, the Kasais, Bandundu, Bas-Congo, and finally making a triumphal entry into the capital. He envisions he will be welcomed as the Hero, Liberator, Savior, Lord, and proclaimed Chancellor of the Congo. |
Angola Volunteers Troops for UN Mission in Congo | |
VOA News - November 12, 2008 | |
![]() | Angola Foreign Minister Georges Chicoty announced on Angolan national radio that his country would send troops to eastern Congo, where government soldiers and a rebel group led by Laurent Nkunda remain in a standoff outside the town of Goma, near the Rwandan border. |
Human Rights Watch: Increase Peacekeepers in Eastern Congo | |
Human Rights Watch - November 11, 2008 | |
![]() | The civilian toll continues to rise, including killings in the town of Kiwanja in North Kivu on November 4-5 that Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Congo Alan Doss described as war crimes in a statement on November 7. |
DR Congo displaced threatened by criminal abuses and spread of diseases, warns UN | |
UN News - November 11, 2008 | |
![]() | Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today warned that the perpetrators of recent targeted killings of civilians, looting and rape in the war-torn east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will face justice. |
SADC emergency summit strives to solve issues in Zimbabwe, DR Congo | |
XINHUA - November 10, 2008 | |
![]() | SADC should immediately provide assistance to the armed forces of the DRC, said Tomaz Salomao, head of the regional bloc. The SADC would not stand by and witness incessant and destructive acts of violence by any armed groups against innocent people of DRC, if and when necessary, SADC will, within the Nairobi framework, send peacekeeping force into Kivu Province of the DRC, he added. |
Laurent Nkunda's Rebels Killing Innocent Congolese Civilians | |
Congo News Agency - November 8, 2008 | |
![]() | One wonders how long, how many massacres, how many millions of dead innocent civilians it will take before the International Criminal Court and other judicial jurisdictions indict, arrest and bring to justice this blood-thirsty warmonger and his supporters in Rwanda. |
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